
Can my employer force me to work when sick?

I called in a few minutes ago to my sectional manager, and they said it was on me to find someone to cover my shift, and if I couldn’t, I would have to come in. Since they’re short staffed for closing. I feel like death, I can get a doctors note if need be, but I’m worried she will write me up or fire me for not being able to come in. Im still on my probation, is there anything I can do if she does take action against me?

I called in a few minutes ago to my sectional manager, and they said it was on me to find someone to cover my shift, and if I couldn’t, I would have to come in. Since they’re short staffed for closing. I feel like death, I can get a doctors note if need be, but I’m worried she will write me up or fire me for not being able to come in. Im still on my probation, is there anything I can do if she does take action against me?

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