
Can my former employer open my mail?

It was just a bill from my doctor for lab tests. I stopped working at this place over a year ago. And I don’t know why it got sent there bc even when I worked there it got sent to my house. They opened it and my mom works there so they let her come get it. It has my name on the envelope. And it’s medical. It has the address of this place but not the name of it. I guess it just seems sketchy to me bc I know it’s illegal to open other people’s mail. But for an employer I think I heard it’s ok. But I don’t even work at this place and they opened it anyway. I’ve gotten tested for stds before and luckily it was negative but it clearly said “HIV test” on the bill. That bill came to my house and luckily I…

It was just a bill from my doctor for lab tests. I stopped working at this place over a year ago. And I don’t know why it got sent there bc even when I worked there it got sent to my house. They opened it and my mom works there so they let her come get it. It has my name on the envelope. And it’s medical. It has the address of this place but not the name of it.

I guess it just seems sketchy to me bc I know it’s illegal to open other people’s mail. But for an employer I think I heard it’s ok. But I don’t even work at this place and they opened it anyway.

I’ve gotten tested for stds before and luckily it was negative but it clearly said “HIV test” on the bill. That bill came to my house and luckily I didn’t let my parents handle it (I was either 19 or 20 at the time). So I’m very glad I was the only person that saw it. Fortunately this last lab wasn’t as personal but what if it was? I wouldn’t want my job knowing about this if it was personal. Especially a job I don’t work at anymore

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