
Can my job just refuse to accomadate me even with doctor documentation?

So I've injured my shoulder, and it was at work but the actual injury I wasn't aware was that serious until it began to really bother me a couple months later, so whatever it's too late, workers comp said no which I figured. I get that. But I have intense pain if I use the arm even a bit, like just 15 minutes of lifting the phone is enough to get it acting up. Because of this I usually have it in a sling so I don't use it much. I work in a hospital pharmacy so dealing with nurses, filling meds, delivering meds, etc. I can do most things as long as I'm not lifting more than 5 pounds with either arm. I can work every shift but the restocking pyxis (basically big medicine cabinets) because alot of things are more than 5 pounds in them. Today employee health…

So I've injured my shoulder, and it was at work but the actual injury I wasn't aware was that serious until it began to really bother me a couple months later, so whatever it's too late, workers comp said no which I figured. I get that. But I have intense pain if I use the arm even a bit, like just 15 minutes of lifting the phone is enough to get it acting up. Because of this I usually have it in a sling so I don't use it much. I work in a hospital pharmacy so dealing with nurses, filling meds, delivering meds, etc. I can do most things as long as I'm not lifting more than 5 pounds with either arm. I can work every shift but the restocking pyxis (basically big medicine cabinets) because alot of things are more than 5 pounds in them. Today employee health said they're under no obligation to accomadate me with this because it isn't workers comp. Despite the fact it's just the one shift and there's over 15 other employees that can do that shift. I have literal documentation of my doctor saying no lifting over 5 pounds, very specifically with either arm. Can I combat this? Should I tell my doctor? Kinda feeling taking for granted here.

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