
Can people in different financial situations have a healthy friendship/relationship?

Can people in different financial situations have a healthy friendship/relationship? (Maybe this means they are in different social classes). I'm interested in hearing everyone's thoughts and experiences. I feel like it might be possible in theory (assuming they are self-aware and not a**holes). But, I think in practice, it's unlikely. It's kind of unrelatable when your friends are debating over a second house and, yet, you know you will never have one. It's kind of unrelatable when your partner is complaining about their well paid “job” when you know it's not the same as standing on your feet for 8 hours in a thankless job field. It's unrelatable when your friends are having trouble deciding on where to vacation and want to know why you can't join them again this year. Their first-world problems are unrelatable when you are fighting to stay afloat. It is hard not to feel resentful…

Can people in different financial situations have a healthy friendship/relationship? (Maybe this means they are in different social classes). I'm interested in hearing everyone's thoughts and experiences. I feel like it might be possible in theory (assuming they are self-aware and not a**holes). But, I think in practice, it's unlikely.

It's kind of unrelatable when your friends are debating over a second house and, yet, you know you will never have one. It's kind of unrelatable when your partner is complaining about their well paid “job” when you know it's not the same as standing on your feet for 8 hours in a thankless job field. It's unrelatable when your friends are having trouble deciding on where to vacation and want to know why you can't join them again this year. Their first-world problems are unrelatable when you are fighting to stay afloat.

It is hard not to feel resentful of the fact that some people do so little and make so much more money. Their existence is so carefree and unrelatable. I guess it's the system that's to blame. But, I somehow feel like it ends up ruining the relationship.

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