
Can someone give me the rundown on 1099 independent contractor stuff?

I started a new job today. I am a contractor with a company. I am on their payroll. I work 9 to 5 like a regular employee, I have no control over the hours I work. I have no control over when I can take off without manager approval. This role is in every sense the exact same as if I wasn't an independent contractor, the only difference between me in this role and me in my last role is that I had benefits and didn't have to pay my own taxes. I have no paid time off, healthcare or any other benefits but in every other way I am your standard employee. Surely this is sketchy right?I am in a critical role (help desk manager), so the company can't really operate without me, which is also a red-flag. The pay rate is significantly lower than industry standard, I only…

I started a new job today. I am a contractor with a company. I am on their payroll. I work 9 to 5 like a regular employee, I have no control over the hours I work. I have no control over when I can take off without manager approval. This role is in every sense the exact same as if I wasn't an independent contractor, the only difference between me in this role and me in my last role is that I had benefits and didn't have to pay my own taxes. I have no paid time off, healthcare or any other benefits but in every other way I am your standard employee.

Surely this is sketchy right?I am in a critical role (help desk manager), so the company can't really operate without me, which is also a red-flag. The pay rate is significantly lower than industry standard, I only accepted this job because I will be homeless come December if I don't have my rent money.

Can someone give me a rundown on how this is supposed to work? I recognize that this whole scenario is sketchy but I am desperate for a job so I can continue to have a place to live.

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