
Can the non-Americans do us a favor and shut up

I am just so sick and tired of seeing the non-americans post like “oh is America okay?!” ” Do you know you don't have many rights?” “You guys work to live!” “Just move!” YES. WE KNOW. Can you please stop rubbing it in our faces? Studies show the vast majority of us want everything you have. So please, either do something to help us or shut the fuck up. Also, do you really think you're so special? You guys act as though there are not people in your countries actively trying to dismantle all of the rights you have. Also don't forget that the US has military bases in 180 countries, so if we go down you're coming with us.

I am just so sick and tired of seeing the non-americans post like “oh is America okay?!” ” Do you know you don't have many rights?” “You guys work to live!” “Just move!”


Can you please stop rubbing it in our faces? Studies show the vast majority of us want everything you have. So please, either do something to help us or shut the fuck up.

Also, do you really think you're so special? You guys act as though there are not people in your countries actively trying to dismantle all of the rights you have. Also don't forget that the US has military bases in 180 countries, so if we go down you're coming with us.

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