
Can the US be fixed in a Millennial’s lifetime?

Prompted by: Disillusionment by society- Wage slaves, hoarding wealth at the top, engineered inflation by corporations raising prices and gaining record profits, dismantling of pensions, 401ks that become worthless with recessions, can’t have worthwhile jobs and make money (non profits, teacher, librarian, etc). I’m a millennial and feeling extremely jaded. Can we fix policy issues, corruption in politics, wage != rate of inflation and all the things creating this toxic mess? I’d drop everything and work at a domestic violence shelter or pour my efforts into people who need it… if it would pay the bills and give me a chance to retire before I die (sorry to be morose, but it’s genuinely where my mind is at right now).

Prompted by: Disillusionment by society- Wage slaves, hoarding wealth at the top, engineered inflation by corporations raising prices and gaining record profits, dismantling of pensions, 401ks that become worthless with recessions, can’t have worthwhile jobs and make money (non profits, teacher, librarian, etc).

I’m a millennial and feeling extremely jaded. Can we fix policy issues, corruption in politics, wage != rate of inflation and all the things creating this toxic mess?

I’d drop everything and work at a domestic violence shelter or pour my efforts into people who need it… if it would pay the bills and give me a chance to retire before I die (sorry to be morose, but it’s genuinely where my mind is at right now).

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