
Can they keep assigning me work that discriminates?

I PISSED! I work a shit job for min wage. Dw I'm going hard looking for anything else rn. Its a call center type job where I call people and do phone surveys with them. Ez and boring. For context I'm Canadian. We get a new survey to do. Oh shit its calling Americans. Very hard to get Americans interested in dumb surveys let alone pick up phone. I finally get some one to do it and start asking the qualifying questions (like where do you live because we only what ppl in this place ect) get to “what is your gender?” strange, normally we “base on observation” ie guess by their voice. Person says “both” Fair enough, relatable even. Look at answers. “Male” “Female” wtf if they make you ask there is normally “other” and/or “refused” need people to do this survey, my numbers are bad rn. Pick for…

I PISSED! I work a shit job for min wage. Dw I'm going hard looking for anything else rn. Its a call center type job where I call people and do phone surveys with them. Ez and boring. For context I'm Canadian.

We get a new survey to do. Oh shit its calling Americans. Very hard to get Americans interested in dumb surveys let alone pick up phone. I finally get some one to do it and start asking the qualifying questions (like where do you live because we only what ppl in this place ect) get to “what is your gender?” strange, normally we “base on observation” ie guess by their voice. Person says “both” Fair enough, relatable even. Look at answers. “Male” “Female” wtf if they make you ask there is normally “other” and/or “refused” need people to do this survey, my numbers are bad rn. Pick for them. Feel gross. Continue survey. Its about small business owners. Person is very proud to be a queer business owner. Feel worse. They get bored of survey and hang up anyways.

I message everyone in group chat that for the gender question some one said both. One higher up says “of course!” I was asking for advice dumb ass not comment. Other higher up says “Pride month special” *now I'm pissed* I tell them this is a quality control issue (their job) they start saying dumb shit like “make your best guess” “go back to the intro page and mark refused” (thats insta hang up for us) ect. I get more and more pissed and just tell them I'm QueerTM and I'm not ok with this. I get “its been reported raw_bin” cool story I'm still not ok with this. “Its been reported raw_bin” ok fuck you now switch me to a new project. They do the end.

Next time I work I'm on the same project. Same question. I tell them yo same problem. They say ok I'll report it to higher up. Cool story wtf do I care rn? I get CCed in the report email. End of shift when I was on that one so log off. No reply to email or I was not cced in email.

Next time I see I'm on this fucking project I just send them a quick “hey this is the third time put me on a new project and never put me on this one again.” They do without comment.

Yesterday I'm put on this project for 5 hours. I log off without saying anything and write giant email to HR screen shots included. Auto reply they not in until Monday.

I understand that America is a backwards country now but here in Canada we have something called the Canadian Human Rights Act and in it there is this cool part about not being discriminated based on gender identity or expression and I'm not gendering people and you can't fucking make me. About to start my shift and idk what to say if they asked why I left yesterday (I wanna say fucking guess) or if I'm on this fucking project again. I'm go to try not to lose my shit this time and just put “I'm not working on this project, move me” But who knows might just go rabid.

TL;DR I'm hella queer and they want me to gender any queers I get as “Male” or “Female” and I said no.

Can they fire me over this? Do I really care? Should I just tell them “suck my queer ass as I walk out the door”? Please spare me any “whaaa snowflake” comments because I'll only reply “ok hetero”

Edit: changed hell queer to hella queer

UDATE: Not assigned on this project today so all that's left HR's answer. If I don't like it I'll post my email to HR and all the screen shots on here 😉

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