
Can we just admit bosses are overrated now?

Like I get where the term 'boss' comes from, but why offices/minimum wage jobs have 'bosses' will never make sense to me… Everyone should be recognized as a co-worker, all with specific responsibilities to contribute their skills/time to… Managers should be doing what they were hired to do, TO BE THE MIDDLEMAN between the co-workers and the company, not boss people around and enforce unnecessary rules like 'back to office' policies or 'dress codes' or stuff like that… like why hire a boss to make peoples lives miserable???? Here comes a “what-if moment” but what if a business was run like a democracy? where people can 'elect' other co-workers to become a middleman(manager); who then would handle tasks, hours and pay… BUT the co-workers would reserve the rights to vote on new hirees or firing a co-worker who might be slacking/missing too much work. This way the managers are just…

Like I get where the term 'boss' comes from, but why offices/minimum wage jobs have 'bosses' will never make sense to me… Everyone should be recognized as a co-worker, all with specific responsibilities to contribute their skills/time to… Managers should be doing what they were hired to do, TO BE THE MIDDLEMAN between the co-workers and the company, not boss people around and enforce unnecessary rules like 'back to office' policies or 'dress codes' or stuff like that… like why hire a boss to make peoples lives miserable????

Here comes a “what-if moment” but what if a business was run like a democracy? where people can 'elect' other co-workers to become a middleman(manager); who then would handle tasks, hours and pay… BUT the co-workers would reserve the rights to vote on new hirees or firing a co-worker who might be slacking/missing too much work. This way the managers are just co-workers as well & have no power about who gets hired or fired.

It would be like running for 'class president' except you're running to be a manager in a workplace, and your co-workers would still recognize you as a co-worker since you don't have the power to fire people and hire new replacements.

I apologize if this sounds stupid, I'm not a professional business worker or anything like that, I just think having bosses is traditional/outdated in this day and age; Like in the military I get why they have commanding officers and such, but offices & minimum wage jobs? we should be electing middlemen (managers) and give the WORKERS more power to change their workplace BECAUSE THATS WHERE THEY WORK. Another benefit I see from this is that it would also push people to vote or pursue in country politics, hell they might even run for president/prime minister one day lol.

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