
Can we just talk about how incredibly unsafe it is for Teens under 18 especially girls to work food service and retail jobs?

I started working at a fast food establishment when I was 15. Now that I reflect on it I feel so sad for my young self because not only did I miss out on a lot of time to you know just have fun and be a young kid I also feel like I was so vulnerable and exposed to a lot of crap. Verbal and emotional abuse from a pig of an owner. Abuse from customers who went after young me as an easy target. But also as a girl I dealt with a lot of sexual harassment not just from customers but also from fellow employees. I’m glad it’s worth it for these pigs to make extra profit off of the expense of minors safety.

I started working at a fast food establishment when I was 15. Now that I reflect on it I feel so sad for my young self because not only did I miss out on a lot of time to you know just have fun and be a young kid I also feel like I was so vulnerable and exposed to a lot of crap. Verbal and emotional abuse from a pig of an owner. Abuse from customers who went after young me as an easy target. But also as a girl I dealt with a lot of sexual harassment not just from customers but also from fellow employees. I’m glad it’s worth it for these pigs to make extra profit off of the expense of minors safety.

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