
Can we stop with the myth that “working in tech is comfortable”?

I posted this in another thread and felt like it needed its own thread. More of a rant post if anything. Can we stop with the bullshit myth that “working in tech is comfortable” Because it's not. It's insanely stressful. Cause its a straight up LIE. I've worked in “tech” 7 years as a Level 2 Systems Engineer across internal and Managed Service Providers and another 2 years as a Webcasting Solutions Specialist. Here is just a FEW of the bullshit things i've had to deal with in my career. When i worked for Dell Had a list of 15 stats sent out every morning of our performance and if we fell below the line we were constantly brought up by management. People would shun you if you fell below the line Constant scrutiny from management on your tickets and not closing calls quick enough or staying in the queue…

I posted this in another thread and felt like it needed its own thread. More of a rant post if anything.

Can we stop with the bullshit myth that “working in tech is comfortable” Because it's not. It's insanely stressful.

Cause its a straight up LIE.

I've worked in “tech” 7 years as a Level 2 Systems Engineer across internal and Managed Service Providers and another 2 years as a Webcasting Solutions Specialist. Here is just a FEW of the bullshit things i've had to deal with in my career.

When i worked for Dell

  • Had a list of 15 stats sent out every morning of our performance and if we fell below the line we were constantly brought up by management. People would shun you if you fell below the line
  • Constant scrutiny from management on your tickets and not closing calls quick enough or staying in the queue long enough

When i worked as Internal IT, includes the following industries: Construction, Strata, Recruiting

  • Management constantly on your ass about bullshit issues
  • “Everything is urgent” Literally.
  • Never ever being at a standard of acceptable for your manager. Always being looked down on.
  • Being the one required to fix P1 incidents because your manager is too ignorant to get a external provider to help.
  • Dealing with manchild CEO's

When i worked for Managed Service Providers

  • Constantly having managers shit their intestines out over your timesheets never being perfect enough
  • Constantly bending over backwards for a shitty fucking client that fucks you and your management is too spineless to put them in their place
  • Constantly being stressed about being fired if you are on probation because your boss can easily replace you on the spot. (mostly australia only)
  • Senior management being extremely out of touch of what the service desk actually go through. Constantly hand over new clients with fuck all information and you have to pick up the pieces and its your fault if it fucks up.

Those are just a few of the bullshit things you have to deal with in IT (Tech). Fuck off with the myth that its a sweet ride because it couldnt be far from the truth. Also working from home while in tech would get you laughed out of the room until 2020. Managers needed to keep tabs on you to make sure you were closing enough tickets. Only recently have tech companies actually understood work from home and started to embrace it. And even then its not a sweet ride. You WILL get pulled up if your status is on away in teams, You WILL get pulled up if you are not taking enough calls or closing enough tickets. They are watching you and it's ignorent to think they are not.

One more thing to point out. Many MSP's around where i live are forcing employees to go back to the office. Many will not embrace WFH simply because they want to micromanage.

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