
Can you explain this gap in your employment history?

Having a gap in my history shouldn't be the end of the world to recruiters. This is such a creepy question right? I always get this question in interviews, and they make it sound like it is illegal to take personal time to do personal things. I am 24, I have the rest of my life to work a job 5 years straight. Not going to let toxic work culture take my 20s away. For some extra context, I work under 6 month contracts and take 2 months off between each one to mentally recover from the burn out. I can do this because I work remote from a low cost of living area.

Having a gap in my history shouldn't be the end of the world to recruiters. This is such a creepy question right? I always get this question in interviews, and they make it sound like it is illegal to take personal time to do personal things. I am 24, I have the rest of my life to work a job 5 years straight. Not going to let toxic work culture take my 20s away.
For some extra context, I work under 6 month contracts and take 2 months off between each one to mentally recover from the burn out. I can do this because I work remote from a low cost of living area.

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