
can you sue if you were fired for ‘unsubordination’?

Last week my friend at work was fired for unsubordination. My boss has a nasty habit of belittling her employees in public format. My friend was fed up with it and voiced that she didn't appreciate that attitude. Basically she said 'we are doing our job and I don't appreciate being talked to like that.' knowing full context and what not, the response was a little snappy, but certainly direct, no fluff and a lot nicer than what my boss was saying. The next day my boss made an example and let my friend go and made it seem like it would happen to anyone else who had the guts to ask for respect. At this point the toxicity is out and oozing everywhere, staff morale took a dive from an already failing position and the company has a less than great business model. Is there anything my friend can…

Last week my friend at work was fired for unsubordination. My boss has a nasty habit of belittling her employees in public format. My friend was fed up with it and voiced that she didn't appreciate that attitude. Basically she said 'we are doing our job and I don't appreciate being talked to like that.' knowing full context and what not, the response was a little snappy, but certainly direct, no fluff and a lot nicer than what my boss was saying.

The next day my boss made an example and let my friend go and made it seem like it would happen to anyone else who had the guts to ask for respect. At this point the toxicity is out and oozing everywhere, staff morale took a dive from an already failing position and the company has a less than great business model.

Is there anything my friend can do? What can I do if I'm next? We live in California.

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