
Can you vent on here?

My boss just accused me of fraud and strongarmed me to cut my charged hours in half. I was charging a little over 30 hrs for the week. I worked on Sunday. I worked on Tuesday night on a phone call in the middle of my vacation for 2 hours. I've been working with the company getting things done at a generally leisurely pace as I'm a full time student and the semester ended last Friday. I figured “They told me to charge 40 hrs when I was sitting in meaningless meetings and waiting on someone to give me the go ahead on a project. I'll count today as a full 8 hr day as I'm waiting on the go ahead for this project.” Apparently that was a problem. I don't respect this company. I don't respect my new manager. I will not be going full time with them after…

My boss just accused me of fraud and strongarmed me to cut my charged hours in half. I was charging a little over 30 hrs for the week. I worked on Sunday. I worked on Tuesday night on a phone call in the middle of my vacation for 2 hours. I've been working with the company getting things done at a generally leisurely pace as I'm a full time student and the semester ended last Friday.

I figured “They told me to charge 40 hrs when I was sitting in meaningless meetings and waiting on someone to give me the go ahead on a project. I'll count today as a full 8 hr day as I'm waiting on the go ahead for this project.” Apparently that was a problem.

I don't respect this company. I don't respect my new manager. I will not be going full time with them after I graduate. I already have other options. I'm a broke college kid trying to get by. There's inflation and we're generally in an expensive time of the year. I think counting my housekeeping hours, and time literally staring at my computer for the green light when I could be doing other things, is not too much to ask. I'm charging under 40. You're not giving me benefits. Go f*k yourself.

If you can't help people live by paying them a meaningful wage then you're part of the problem. If you want to increase productivity then cut the useless social hour and “business trips” to the steakhouse.

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