
Can your boss comment on what room you Zoom in from?

This may be the wrong place to ask; if so, please re-direct. My husband has a WFH job, and his boss comments if our daughter is in the background (quietly doing her own thing), if he's in a different room (“this is the third background I've seen from you”), if there are noises coming from outside, etc. He's made comments like this since he started working there about 5 months ago. My husband paid out of pocket for a co-working space for a while, because the company will not cover it. This seems illegal to me. Is it? There's never anything disruptive happening, his boss just doesn't like that there isn't a dedicated “office” where no one else is around (he also demands a 9 hour work day with very little flexibility). The entire company is remote, there were no requirements or stipulations (as far as I know) stated in…

This may be the wrong place to ask; if so, please re-direct.

My husband has a WFH job, and his boss comments if our daughter is in the background (quietly doing her own thing), if he's in a different room (“this is the third background I've seen from you”), if there are noises coming from outside, etc. He's made comments like this since he started working there about 5 months ago. My husband paid out of pocket for a co-working space for a while, because the company will not cover it. This seems illegal to me. Is it? There's never anything disruptive happening, his boss just doesn't like that there isn't a dedicated “office” where no one else is around (he also demands a 9 hour work day with very little flexibility). The entire company is remote, there were no requirements or stipulations (as far as I know) stated in the hiring process about work environment, and his boss has outright refused to pay for an outside working space while continuing to micromanage in this way. Basically I want to know if this is legal, and if not, what can we do about it.

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