
Canada: worried about being exploited as an independent contractor when i think i should be an employee

Hello! I'm a new and young worker I've yet to have my first shift with this side gig but looking at the differences on the governments website I think I will be misclassified as independent contractor. How can I protect myself and the money I'll be making through this side work? Tips on enforcing boundaries as an independent contractor? This'll be taking place in Canada in the food and drink events industry. I had posted in r/personalfinancecanda but they deleted my post as it wasnt “relevant”. Looking for any advice thank you comrades.

Hello! I'm a new and young worker I've yet to have my first shift with this side gig but looking at the differences on the governments website I think I will be misclassified as independent contractor.

How can I protect myself and the money I'll be making through this side work? Tips on enforcing boundaries as an independent contractor?

This'll be taking place in Canada in the food and drink events industry.

I had posted in r/personalfinancecanda but they deleted my post as it wasnt “relevant”. Looking for any advice thank you comrades.

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