
Cancel all student debt

Student debt requires folks to work. Work for money, not passions. It forces folks to work in fields that continually find ways to optimize/automate therefore reducing the workforce. It effects a core of our, people, hierarchy of needs. It creates a cyclical notion of being in debt and working to chip away at it while never leveling up pay wise. Taking into account of institutional investment, we, the laborers, are seen no different than those of railroad boom towns, mine towns or other. Did you know banks bundle and sell loans on a market (it’s called capital markets trading)? We’re a commodity just like grain, gold and other. Meanwhile our media continually pushes an agenda of capitalism and consumerism. Capitalism: everything telling you to hustle, work for exposure, the capability of making yourself rich, etc. This is tied to competition because of the concept of finite monetary wealth vs infinite…

Student debt requires folks to work.

Work for money, not passions.

It forces folks to work in fields that continually find ways to optimize/automate therefore reducing the workforce.

It effects a core of our, people, hierarchy of needs.

It creates a cyclical notion of being in debt and working to chip away at it while never leveling up pay wise. Taking into account of institutional investment, we, the laborers, are seen no different than those of railroad boom towns, mine towns or other.

Did you know banks bundle and sell loans on a market (it’s called capital markets trading)? We’re a commodity just like grain, gold and other.

Meanwhile our media continually pushes an agenda of capitalism and consumerism.

Capitalism: everything telling you to hustle, work for exposure, the capability of making yourself rich, etc. This is tied to competition because of the concept of finite monetary wealth vs infinite varied wealth.

Consumerism: everything telling you to buy. Repair is not considered. You aren’t cool unless you have this.

These two principles created the student debt crisis as long as they are seen as values versus hindering human development – we as humans will always be oppressed by it.

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