
Cancer and Job Elimination

Just coming back from chemo. Had a biopsy come back with no sign of cancer. Was ready to go back to work, but was then told my position has been eliminated. I'll get some severance, but this is a gut punch I wasn't expecting. Any advice? Can they do this? I'm in NY state. I was on STD via FMLA/ADA, but I think I ran over my time. I don't love the job, but this is messed up imo.

Just coming back from chemo. Had a biopsy come back with no sign of cancer. Was ready to go back to work, but was then told my position has been eliminated. I'll get some severance, but this is a gut punch I wasn't expecting. Any advice? Can they do this? I'm in NY state. I was on STD via FMLA/ADA, but I think I ran over my time.

I don't love the job, but this is messed up imo.

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