
Can’t be stated enough: Talk about your wage!

I made a post recently about going to my employer regarding my pay being significantly lower than the going rate for a driver of my experience in a particular type of truck. Still haven’t got an answer from them, which is pretty typical of upper management. I did get told if I wanted to seek better opportunities he has no hard feelings, so I’m in the process of taking that advice. Anyway, this entire situation came from discussing my wage, not only with my coworkers, but with others in the same job as me with different companies. Even yesterday I spoke to a guy in the exact same truck as me, different colour but identical in every other way! He worked the same hours as I did, and he made 65% more than I did after tax! And keeping in mind we go into a fairly big tax bracket that…

I made a post recently about going to my employer regarding my pay being significantly lower than the going rate for a driver of my experience in a particular type of truck.

Still haven’t got an answer from them, which is pretty typical of upper management. I did get told if I wanted to seek better opportunities he has no hard feelings, so I’m in the process of taking that advice.

Anyway, this entire situation came from discussing my wage, not only with my coworkers, but with others in the same job as me with different companies.

Even yesterday I spoke to a guy in the exact same truck as me, different colour but identical in every other way! He worked the same hours as I did, and he made 65% more than I did after tax! And keeping in mind we go into a fairly big tax bracket that sees us loose a good chunk.

This is how much this one company undervalues their drivers, at the same time as telling me they have the best margin in the entire business coming from the trucks. That and they’ve ordered a new truck.

Anyway, if you think you’re being paid below the market rate for your position you need to speak to coworkers and others in your field if you know/can find any to speak to. Most companies aren’t going to voluntarily raise our wage because they noticed we’re paid lower than others. Nup! That’ll affect their yearly bonus.

As a little update to my last post, in which I was offered a significantly higher paying job, I put my coworkers name forward for it, as I am just too far away to commute, and it looks like they’ll be starting there shortly! My wife says I’m a little too altruistic, but I am glad to help someone else move forward.

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