
Can’t call out

Got an email from my boss today telling us we have to come in unless previously scheduled off. Or have a doctor's note. Otherwise we must come in. The issue with that as well is they just posted the schedule out a month in advance for the first time since iv started working here. They used to only do a week at a time. Is it even legal to require you be sick with a doctor's note in order to not come in? What bout bereavement, sudden life events or even just needing a mental health day?

Got an email from my boss today telling us we have to come in unless previously scheduled off. Or have a doctor's note. Otherwise we must come in. The issue with that as well is they just posted the schedule out a month in advance for the first time since iv started working here. They used to only do a week at a time. Is it even legal to require you be sick with a doctor's note in order to not come in? What bout bereavement, sudden life events or even just needing a mental health day?

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