
can’t even get work if I wanted to

I hate the general work system of the USA, but I need a job. You know, to get money. To survive. And I cannot for the life of me get hired! Every single place near me is bitching and whining about how “woe is me, we cannot find a single person who wants to work”, yet every time I apply for a job, I'm turned down. Target just up and declined me immediately without elaborating, and outright saying they couldn't tell me why in their stupid email. Nobody else messages me back, spare for the occasional bs “whoopsie doodles, we can't hire you” message that's obviously automated. Hell, even volunteering! The cat shelter near me is weeping on everything about how they're so deprived of volunteers, and they can't get the cats adopted, etc etc. Yet when I apply to volunteer, email the right people, and do everything else I…

I hate the general work system of the USA, but I need a job. You know, to get money. To survive. And I cannot for the life of me get hired!

Every single place near me is bitching and whining about how “woe is me, we cannot find a single person who wants to work”, yet every time I apply for a job, I'm turned down. Target just up and declined me immediately without elaborating, and outright saying they couldn't tell me why in their stupid email. Nobody else messages me back, spare for the occasional bs “whoopsie doodles, we can't hire you” message that's obviously automated.

Hell, even volunteering! The cat shelter near me is weeping on everything about how they're so deprived of volunteers, and they can't get the cats adopted, etc etc. Yet when I apply to volunteer, email the right people, and do everything else I can think of, I don't get a single damn thing back! Do you want someone or not?!?!

I'm losing my mind here. Sure, I have like 0 experience in anything, but i'm literally 17, so how would I anyway? If you're so desperate, give me a damn chance! Ugh. stupid system can't even exploit me correctly

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