
Can’t get ahead, ready to end it all.

I have been trying to find a decent enough job that I could save some money for my girlfriend and I to get a place to stay, but every job is $10-12 an hour and even a hotel room is damn near $100 a night. Now, to add to my already overloaded plate, we are getting kicked out by our roommates on the threat of violence. I've got nothing saved up, and no idea what to do. It's so bad that I don't see the point of going on, if it's never going to get better. I've called every homeless shelter in my area and they're all full due to the tornado warning for my area. I'm not sure if I'm still going to be here for much longer. None of my family is close enough to help, and I can't do anything myself. Edit: Got some breathing room. Roommate…

I have been trying to find a decent enough job that I could save some money for my girlfriend and I to get a place to stay, but every job is $10-12 an hour and even a hotel room is damn near $100 a night. Now, to add to my already overloaded plate, we are getting kicked out by our roommates on the threat of violence. I've got nothing saved up, and no idea what to do. It's so bad that I don't see the point of going on, if it's never going to get better. I've called every homeless shelter in my area and they're all full due to the tornado warning for my area. I'm not sure if I'm still going to be here for much longer. None of my family is close enough to help, and I can't do anything myself.

Edit: Got some breathing room. Roommate isn't putting us out tonight, but I'm going to be saving every cent I can and get us the hell out of here.

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