
Can’t get time off because too short staffed

So I recently started working at a foodservice place in my hometown. They’ve had staff problems in the past and I’m part of a completely new crew they brought in. (Red flags , I know) Due to these changes they’re running pretty fast and loose as far as scheduling goes and we get our schedules for the next week on Saturday/Sunday which leaves very little time to plan for the upcoming week. (Really, imagine working a full weekend only to learn that, surprise, we didn’t tell you, you’re also working Monday-Wednesday) Now that is frustrating enough, but after getting the recent schedule I planned some time to visit my parents (who are out of town) at the end of the week when I saw I wouldn’t be working the weekend. I thought “great, I’ll be free for the weekend, tell them I’ll be unavailable for the first few days the…

So I recently started working at a foodservice place in my hometown. They’ve had staff problems in the past and I’m part of a completely new crew they brought in. (Red flags , I know)

Due to these changes they’re running pretty fast and loose as far as scheduling goes and we get our schedules for the next week on Saturday/Sunday which leaves very little time to plan for the upcoming week. (Really, imagine working a full weekend only to learn that, surprise, we didn’t tell you, you’re also working Monday-Wednesday)

Now that is frustrating enough, but after getting the recent schedule I planned some time to visit my parents (who are out of town) at the end of the week when I saw I wouldn’t be working the weekend.

I thought “great, I’ll be free for the weekend, tell them I’ll be unavailable for the first few days the next week, and then I’ll come in and just work the later half of the week!”

Apparently this was too presumptuous of me. They are ‘far too short staffed’ for me to take a few days off, and this is a major inconvenience to the team. Turns out that the scheduling inconvenience only flows one way and I’m the arsehole for letting them know what days I’ll be unavailable a week before they even assign our shifts.

At this point I think I’m just going to tell them that’s their problem. They’ve been short staffed for months now and haven’t brought in anyone new. They haven’t even put up a We’re Hiring sign.

If they can’t accommodate a single person being unavailable for a few days then they shouldn’t be open.

TLDR: manager tells me that I can’t take time off and that I told them too late despite getting to them a week before they even make the schedule.

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