
Cant handle any job, having suicidal thoughts.

Hi. I don’t know where else to post this with people who could maybe understand. I recently finished a master’s degree in public administration and was living off of student loans and family help. Now that I’m no longer a student, naturally, it’s time to find a job. I’ve always had ADHD, and I think depression too; school, college, and grad school were all a nightmare for me. I barely made it through them, mostly feeling like I had to do it because I owed it to my family. Now I feel the same about getting a job. Idk what’s wrong with me but the thought of socializing and being lost the first few weeks makes me cringe so much it makes me want to puke. I have constant anxiety attacks, I can’t sleep at night, I break down and cry, and recently I’ve thought the only way out of…

Hi. I don’t know where else to post this with people who could maybe understand. I recently finished a master’s degree in public administration and was living off of student loans and family help. Now that I’m no longer a student, naturally, it’s time to find a job. I’ve always had ADHD, and I think depression too; school, college, and grad school were all a nightmare for me. I barely made it through them, mostly feeling like I had to do it because I owed it to my family. Now I feel the same about getting a job. Idk what’s wrong with me but the thought of socializing and being lost the first few weeks makes me cringe so much it makes me want to puke. I have constant anxiety attacks, I can’t sleep at night, I break down and cry, and recently I’ve thought the only way out of my responsibilities is to kill myself. I have an appointment with a psychologist soon, but I’m really desperate. Should I quit the new job I just got, (third one in a row), and keep trying to find something I can handle? Is there even anything out there? Please don’t be too cruel, I know I probably sound like a little bitch.

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