
Can’t shake off anxiety and paranoia from overbearing head boss

Very long story short: my boss’s boss has unrealistic expectations and believes herself to be the absolute queen of expertise for our department. It’s clear with every word she speaks that she has no idea what she’s talking about, and our department consistently performs far and away better than other similar departments at other organizations. Anyway, I’m being written up for poor performance because she doesn’t believe I’m meeting the unrealistic expectations that she’s never communicated to me. I’ve been absolutely riddled with anxiety and paranoia since she’s been clamping down unexpectedly. Friends and family believe it’s insecurity, or maybe the director of the organization is coming down on her so, as they say, shit rolls down hill. Whatever the case may be, the boss’s boss is using really demoralizing and manipulative language and I’m the one in her target. Anything anyone can say to try and alleviate some of…

Very long story short: my boss’s boss has unrealistic expectations and believes herself to be the absolute queen of expertise for our department. It’s clear with every word she speaks that she has no idea what she’s talking about, and our department consistently performs far and away better than other similar departments at other organizations. Anyway, I’m being written up for poor performance because she doesn’t believe I’m meeting the unrealistic expectations that she’s never communicated to me.

I’ve been absolutely riddled with anxiety and paranoia since she’s been clamping down unexpectedly. Friends and family believe it’s insecurity, or maybe the director of the organization is coming down on her so, as they say, shit rolls down hill. Whatever the case may be, the boss’s boss is using really demoralizing and manipulative language and I’m the one in her target. Anything anyone can say to try and alleviate some of the anxiety in the meantime before I can mercifully find another job?

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