
Can’t talk about pay and won’t help you get a raise.

A month ago we had a regular staff meeting. After that we were having a discussion about what we need for work. Everybody was asking for tools we needed. Jokingly I said if were spending so much money why not a small pay increase. This irked the manager. A long time employee said if I trained for a higher skilled positions I can get paid more. I liked that idea. Manager said no. They didn't want to invest in someone with certain issues. (Not just me but all of us in the company) Also if someone got certified at a higher level they might quit and go to another company for more pay. Wonder how long I'm going to be here.

A month ago we had a regular staff meeting. After that we were having a discussion about what we need for work. Everybody was asking for tools we needed. Jokingly I said if were spending so much money why not a small pay increase. This irked the manager. A long time employee said if I trained for a higher skilled positions I can get paid more. I liked that idea. Manager said no. They didn't want to invest in someone with certain issues. (Not just me but all of us in the company) Also if someone got certified at a higher level they might quit and go to another company for more pay. Wonder how long I'm going to be here.

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