
Can’t Tell if Boss Is Petty or I Am

So there's been some tension between my boss, Pauline, and I for awhile. I have ADHD and ASD, and consequently stim by twirling my hair. She's been trying to get me to stop on and off since I started working there. At one point, she slapped my hand. Not hard; like the way an adult lightly smacks a child's hand to get them not to touch something they're not supposed to. I was too startled at the time to say anything. Usually she just tells me to stop and I either reluctantly do so or, in one instance, distractedly say “no” and keep twirling. Last week, she grabbed my hand again while I was stimming and I firmly told her to not do that. She seemed surprised, said she “didn't realize that offended me”, and said she wouldn't do it again, but would keep trying to get me to stop…

So there's been some tension between my boss, Pauline, and I for awhile. I have ADHD and ASD, and consequently stim by twirling my hair. She's been trying to get me to stop on and off since I started working there.

At one point, she slapped my hand. Not hard; like the way an adult lightly smacks a child's hand to get them not to touch something they're not supposed to. I was too startled at the time to say anything. Usually she just tells me to stop and I either reluctantly do so or, in one instance, distractedly say “no” and keep twirling.

Last week, she grabbed my hand again while I was stimming and I firmly told her to not do that. She seemed surprised, said she “didn't realize that offended me”, and said she wouldn't do it again, but would keep trying to get me to stop twirling my hair.

This entire week, she has not spoken to me directly once. If I instigate a conversation, she'll respond and acknowledge it. But, for example, she told the person who sits next to me to verify her time timecard, went back to her office, and then sent me a blank email with the subject line “verify your timecard”.

I requested today off on Tuesday to go to an appointment; its a short day at our workplace and we don't work weekends. Got a notification on my phone from my work email that I was included in a group email from Boss Lady saying she got pizza for everyone.

Dunno if she's being petty or I am for assuming this was intentional.

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