
Can’t win with some people

I work two jobs, there's a lot of clash but one is always busy and understaffed, the other just simply isn't, I handed my notice in on the second quieter job (mechanic) to focus more on the first (ambulance officer) though the pay is rubbish I absolutely love the work, and there's plenty of work there, the other one just simply isn't sustainable and therefore unsecure. One of the many reasons I quit the tools is I simply can't work with my current boss, a micromanaging belittling passive aggressive narcissist who would have excelled in the corporate world, has decided to get office staff so he can spend more time “on the floor” This hasn't exactly been met with joy from the other two mechanics either, the comment of “fucking great, now I'll be told I'm sweeping the floor wrong” and “do what exactly, there's no bloody work” paints a…

I work two jobs, there's a lot of clash but one is always busy and understaffed, the other just simply isn't, I handed my notice in on the second quieter job (mechanic) to focus more on the first (ambulance officer) though the pay is rubbish I absolutely love the work, and there's plenty of work there, the other one just simply isn't sustainable and therefore unsecure.

One of the many reasons I quit the tools is I simply can't work with my current boss, a micromanaging belittling passive aggressive narcissist who would have excelled in the corporate world, has decided to get office staff so he can spend more time “on the floor”

This hasn't exactly been met with joy from the other two mechanics either, the comment of “fucking great, now I'll be told I'm sweeping the floor wrong” and “do what exactly, there's no bloody work” paints a picture of what it's going to be like.

So I quit, gave my months notice (for a workshop? why a month?) and as there was nothing booked in I took the rest of the week off (all unpaid obviously) to cover shifts as a casual ambo

Early last week I get a text “nothing happing this week or next” replied with “no problem, I'll fill it and pop in sometime to say hi” this gas happened before with no warning and I've just chilled at home, no work = no pay but that's just life right?

Good solution? Depends apparently…

Booked in a full week excluding mandatory stand down times (we have maximum hours to keep to) and that'll be me.

Saturday arvo and I get “need you this week as I'm off on a school camp”

Who finds out that their kids are off for a full week on a Friday?

And then decides to go with them?

Not happening, I've made other commitments that in no small part eases his wage bill, but now he's thrown a sulk that the world doesn't revolve around him.

Not looking forward to today, have to “have a talk” that'll be all about his sacrifice and how he has no time and that's everyone elses fault and how he had to cancel his impromptu plans


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