
cant work here if you have a checkered past

So i applied for a lower level position at a sloppy general we'll call it… crushed the interview the manager wanted me to apply for a keyholder position. I was stoked because my main job had cut overtime to nothing so there was a pretty large gap in my income to support my family of 4. The interviewing manager showed up 20+ minutes late wearing crocs and shortshorts and greasy hair a real model of professionalism. Was so impress by how well i interviewed she said i could consider my self hired. So i went out and  got some nice black button down tops to go with my khakis spent close to 100. So i could look as professional as id like to be treated… yes its a crappy little store but whats wrong with taking pride in your work no matter what you do right. Now for the crappy…

So i applied for a lower level position at a sloppy general we'll call it… crushed the interview the manager wanted me to apply for a keyholder position. I was stoked because my main job had cut overtime to nothing so there was a pretty large gap in my income to support my family of 4. The interviewing manager showed up 20+ minutes late wearing crocs and shortshorts and greasy hair a real model of professionalism. Was so impress by how well i interviewed she said i could consider my self hired. So i went out and  got some nice black button down tops to go with my khakis spent close to 100. So i could look as professional as id like to be treated… yes its a crappy little store but whats wrong with taking pride in your work no matter what you do right. Now for the crappy part…. my background check comes in and i have 2 misdominers from 11 years ago. 11 YEARS and nothing since other than a more than stellar work history. The interviewing manager has ghosted me  another real markup to her professionalism. To add further she gloated to the point of her open door policy of discrimination because her mexican husband… pretty hippacritical because im being discriminated against

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