
Capitalism, Democracy and Imperialism Are The Main Flaws Of Modern Society

It's like that sound on TikTok where she's like “Freddy, you're supposed to be on lockdown!” And Freddy just starts fake crying. Comparing yourself to Jeff Bezos like you wouldn't be the same devil if you owned Amazon or that you're closer to the bottom than you are the top is a flimsy excuse for profiting from exploitation. If you have $1M+ and you aren't using it to help the proletariat seize the means of production, then you are the enemy, end of story.

It's like that sound on TikTok where she's like “Freddy, you're supposed to be on lockdown!” And Freddy just starts fake crying.
Comparing yourself to Jeff Bezos like you wouldn't be the same devil if you owned Amazon or that you're closer to the bottom than you are the top is a flimsy excuse for profiting from exploitation.
If you have $1M+ and you aren't using it to help the proletariat seize the means of production, then you are the enemy, end of story.

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