
Capitalism = Feudalism?

This is probably not a very original take, but it seems to me that late stage capitalism (God, I hope this is the late stage) just means a few get to own it all and then pass it down to their increasingly more spoiled and obnoxious heirs, while the mass is trapped in a continous struggle for whatever scraps remain. I don't really have a question to go with this, just the really sinking feeling that we are all just the unfortunate bottom rung of an increasingly outrageous pyramide-scheme.

This is probably not a very original take, but it seems to me that late stage capitalism (God, I hope this is the late stage) just means a few get to own it all and then pass it down to their increasingly more spoiled and obnoxious heirs, while the mass is trapped in a continous struggle for whatever scraps remain. I don't really have a question to go with this, just the really sinking feeling that we are all just the unfortunate bottom rung of an increasingly outrageous pyramide-scheme.

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