
Capitalism is Killing Babies

I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs. How can we allow our society to be organized this way?? My daughter's daycare classroom has 5 cases of RSV, including my daughter. Three babies under 6 months of age are in the hospital, and one is in the ICU. Two of the hospitalized babies are premie twins. We can safely assume nearly all of the children in daycare are there because their parents need to work. I know that was the case for us. The mother of the premie twins with fragile little immune systems was forced to leave her children in a place where she knew they would most likely be exposed to dangerous diseases. She had no choice, because she had to go back to work before they were ready. Fuck capitalism. Fuck any system that requires parents to put their children in harms way in order…

I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.

How can we allow our society to be organized this way??

My daughter's daycare classroom has 5 cases of RSV, including my daughter. Three babies under 6 months of age are in the hospital, and one is in the ICU. Two of the hospitalized babies are premie twins.

We can safely assume nearly all of the children in daycare are there because their parents need to work. I know that was the case for us.

The mother of the premie twins with fragile little immune systems was forced to leave her children in a place where she knew they would most likely be exposed to dangerous diseases. She had no choice, because she had to go back to work before they were ready.

Fuck capitalism. Fuck any system that requires parents to put their children in harms way in order to keep a roof over their heads. And for what? Productivity? Profit? The accumulation of wealth for someone else??

I apologize for my lack of empathy before having a child of my own. I had no dog in the fight, so I did not pay attention to the fight for adequate parental leave. Now I know. This is a matter of life and death for mothers and for babies. This is a problem for society.

They keep us living paycheck to paycheck so that we can't step out of the workforce. Keeping poor people poor is their only goal, because it forces us to sell our labor to live… at the expense of our most vulnerable citizens.

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