
Capitalism isn’t actually all that bad like people make it out to be.

Before you guys go ahead and downvote this post, I want to make it clear, I do not in anyway support the current capitalism thats going on right now & would really appreciate if you guys took the time to read everything I want to say before making a decision whether to up/downvote this post. Capitalism has proven itself to be the most effective way of generating a 'fast economy', just look at all the good things our money has done for people nationally & internationally even, our economy has saved alot of lives & improved the lives of others, including people with disabilities, our economy is what drives researchers to learn more about how we can make this world a better place. But unfortunately, because we have alot of corrupt people getting into politics to earn a buck instead of actually making the world a better place; we get…

Before you guys go ahead and downvote this post, I want to make it clear, I do not in anyway support the current capitalism thats going on right now & would really appreciate if you guys took the time to read everything I want to say before making a decision whether to up/downvote this post.

Capitalism has proven itself to be the most effective way of generating a 'fast economy', just look at all the good things our money has done for people nationally & internationally even, our economy has saved alot of lives & improved the lives of others, including people with disabilities, our economy is what drives researchers to learn more about how we can make this world a better place.

But unfortunately, because we have alot of corrupt people getting into politics to earn a buck instead of actually making the world a better place; we get the sht* capitalism we have now. Corporations have already taken over our governments, not fully but they will surely at some point & If we continue to let the corporations take over, not only will they take away alot of our rights, they'll also make luxury living impossible in order to keep the lower classes in their place, effectively turning the capitalism we have now into an ACTUAL slavery system (like its already becoming right now) but it wont look like slavery from the 1800's or Egypt times, we'll still have access to freedom and entertainment and basic needs, because that is the only way they can control us, by giving us JUST enough in order to keep the lower class happy and distracted. I know this is all pretty common stuff people talk about & the current capitalism is obviously affecting the majority as of right now so this isn't a new.

BUT. BUT. BUT. I just want to say, I think with some regulations & a safety net for the vulnerable people, Capitalism could easily be the most humane economy to exist. The USA and Canada have MORE than enough national income to feed & house everyone in their own countries, which should be the new standard universal basic income for EVERYONE, but say, if someone wanted an luxury item, like a new phone, a tv, better services, or a better house , transportation, furniture, or even vacation trips, etc. then they would join a “job contract” that offers the things they want. I know this sounds like slavery in a way still, but the truth is, if you're happy with the simple things that the basic universal income offers ( having a place to live and food to eat) then you wouldn't need to work JUST to live or enjoy life with other people. The luxury items & “job contracts” would be one way to encourage people to work for better things & keep civilization in check, and if those people felt like they didn't want to work anymore, they'd be free to go back on universal basic income and still receive the right to living as a human being should.

Not only would this be a great way of reducing the amount of financial stress we currently have right now, It would also give people the time they need to process things mentally, because knowing you have a fallback plan incase you don't want to work anymore makes things 100% less stressful, I can also see this preventing alot of people from losing control of themselves as well as preventing alot of crime, because we all know that 99% of criminals aren't good at processing their thoughts/emotions due the stress and trauma in their lives, if people were given an opportunity to live without having to struggle to survive, then they wouldn't have a need to commit criminal acts in order to survive. However, if the UBI wasn't good enough for some people, they would still receive rehabilitation/jail time and serve time for their actions, and if they wanted freedom again, they'd have to serve that time, just like how our justice system works today.

My point is, If we regulated Capitalism & provided UBI, then Regulated Capitalism would be the BEST option for an economy, people would feel ALOT less stressed out & happier with their lives, thus giving them more confidence in themselves & even strive for better things in life. There would be no exploitation of the lower classes or anyone in general because everything would be regulated and there would be laws 'set in stone' that cannot be changed by corrupt people in order to keep things humanely fair for EVERYONE. Sure, the economy will be slower, but whats the point of having wealth you can't spend when you can contribute to a humane society that takes care of EVERYONE, including you.

We need an humane society, NOT an society that revolves around the economy.

TLDR; Regulated Capitalism & UBI = good, Unregulated Capitalism = bad.

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