
Capitalism or Antiwork?

I've realised something recently with my new arrival to online forums like Reddit, and that is the sheer number of people around the world who feel entitled to a living. What I've noticed quite quickly is this. The youngsters/teens who left school and went out to work or spent their younger years building towards a better future whether that's education with a clear goal, an appretership or simply began working are the people who understand the realistic view that is Capitalism. They don't necessarily enjoy work but understands that life is what you put into it. Then you have the youngsters/teens who spent those years in uni with no real plan, or living online whether in forums like this or gaming whilst earning little to nothing and moaning about how unfair it is to have to work hard to create a good quality of life. They often preach about Socialism…

I've realised something recently with my new arrival to online forums like Reddit, and that is the sheer number of people around the world who feel entitled to a living.

What I've noticed quite quickly is this.

The youngsters/teens who left school and went out to work or spent their younger years building towards a better future whether that's education with a clear goal, an appretership or simply began working are the people who understand the realistic view that is Capitalism. They don't necessarily enjoy work but understands that life is what you put into it.

Then you have the youngsters/teens who spent those years in uni with no real plan, or living online whether in forums like this or gaming whilst earning little to nothing and moaning about how unfair it is to have to work hard to create a good quality of life. They often preach about Socialism because they lack that drive or are too wrapped up in their online communities to better themselves and want others to carry them. Reddit is littered with this particular type of person.

No one is entitled to an easy ride, an easy living. In life you grind, you work hard to provide and no amount of moaning or calling Capitalists “bootlickers” etc will change it. In fact the need to compete is how we grow, how society develops and encourages a work ethic that is vital. Yes, there is corruption, but when there is humans that will never disappear. People need to accept this, and realise that the only person who can improve your life is you. So get off your lazy arse and do it.

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