
Capitalism Rant

If capitalists played by the rules, then it would be an awesome system. Problem is, the rich don’t trickle it down like they should, or often not reinvest in their company. They hoard and hoard, find any little tax loophole, even go as far as buying entire city apartment complexes and hike the rent. And when they are finished they hide the rest in offshore accounts. There is a limit, however, when it gets ludicrous. When billionaires exist in a country of people sleeping on the streets. When the billionaires of Walmart don’t contribute to their company, actually having employees going to food stamp orientation on their first day of work. Then the employees on state assistance using any disposable income they have back purchasing Walmart items. (You have to hand it, it’s an awesome system for maximum $$ for the rich). i Don’t know what the solution is. How…

If capitalists played by the rules, then it would be an awesome system.

Problem is, the rich don’t trickle it down like they should, or often not reinvest in their company. They hoard and hoard, find any little tax loophole, even go as far as buying entire city apartment complexes and hike the rent. And when they are finished they hide the rest in offshore accounts.
There is a limit, however, when it gets ludicrous. When billionaires exist in a country of people sleeping on the streets. When the billionaires of Walmart don’t contribute to their company, actually having employees going to food stamp orientation on their first day of work. Then the employees on state assistance using any disposable income they have back purchasing Walmart items. (You have to hand it, it’s an awesome system for maximum $$ for the rich).

i Don’t know what the solution is. How someone can purchase a painting for $40 million or a $268 million condo overlooking Central Park, able to piss on everyone else. Even fellow millionaires.

The worst part? The people living paycheck to paycheck actually stand up for the billionaires for some unknown reason. Brainwashing, I guess. Here’s a news flash: it won’t happen to you. It takes money to make money. News articles make it sound like hard work will get you that rich. It won’t. The ones that actually made it from nothing is like hitting the lottery.

Elon Musk would have a second job as a DoorDash driver if he didn’t have angel investors in the early 90’s. Amazon wouldnt exist without Bezo’s parents footing the startup capital. Bill Gates learned much of computer science at Harvard where his parents foot the bill. He also was cutthroat and broke Antitrust laws, while stealing ideas from his competitors.

All I’m saying is the rich made it by luck, inheritance, or able to afford higher education and do well because they didn’t have to worry about working full time to put food on the table. At the very least, it’s not easy to start a business in a garage when you don’t have a garage.

All I’m saying is don’t worship or think you’ll be rich. It’s luck. You might be able to reach middle class if youre lucky. i Guess my only advice is to get out there when you can so you can increase your chances of being in the right place at The right time. And for fuck’s sake, don’t stand up for the millionaires and billionaires. they are laughing at us at the end of the day.

I don’t expect any minds to be changed from this rant. They hoard wealth, but they also control the news media which says they don’t.

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