
All Cashiers should have chairs. Standing still just doesn’t make any sense.

I recently went to a interview at a car wash company looking for cashiers. I saw where I would be stationed and not a chair in sight. I asked why not. They said “Low productivity”. Yeah, sorry no.


When did I approve? Oh…


I’m voting 3rd party

Next upcoming election for president, I’m voting for a 3rd party. Don’t care what Red and Blue have on the table… They’re all corrupt and bought by corporations. Voting 3rd at least gives us a chance at something new. I don’t like our current system. Corporations are running rampant with complete disregard to their humanitarian duty of providing ample living conditions for their employees… US Citizens. They’re able to do this because we elect government officials who allow them to. We’ll I’m done. They don’t get my vote anymore. Make no mistake, I’ll be voting, but I’ll be doing my research into 3rd party candidates this time around. We have the chance to derail this train, but I bet some poor soul will find an excuse for us not to try. Good luck with elections next year everyone. I hope you vote with integrity and not fear.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime! That’s why I Reddit on company time!


I just got written up and told that I’m lucky I’m not being fired and my head is about to pop op.

I hate my job. I hate my job so much. I work in a call centre with the most toxic environment and mentality ever. Favouritism runs rampant here and unfortunately for me, I am not one of the favourites. I logged out of my phone to go to the bathroom and while walking there my underpants suddenly got really wet. Sure enough, surprise period 3 days early. I have no products in my purse and there’s no tampon or pad vending machine in the bathroom so I got to play the worst game ever-clean up beat you can, make a toilet paper pad, and go ask female colleague after female colleague until you find someone with a lady product. It didn’t take me too long, had to ask 5 people, back to the bathroom to clean up and apply said product and go back to work. My boss comes over…


My current job’s vacation policy


glad to be part of the ‘family’


How to get fired from Sonic fast-food. Step 1: Take a day off to grieve for your dead friends. Step 2: See step 1.


Americans love to say they are “free” and that “freedom” means tailoring their entire existence to please rich business owners.


Socialism in America…