Category: Antiwork
I am shocked to be writing. This, normally management is the issue but I finally found a job that has pretty decent management however, you cant have it all. Some of my co-workers are the petty type that will drag you down for being successful. I am happy at my job, theres a lot of downtime so we are allowed to kill time doing whatever we want which is awesome. I use the time to browse the internet, read the news, and work on my side business. Many of the other workers will watch tiktok or youtube or text or call their friends the entire shift. One of my co workers had the audacity to write a complaint about me working on my side business during work hours because I am “double dipping”. First off, my bosses have literally given me permission to have a whole ass second job if…
WFH to end :(
And all will return to office 🤢
Boss thinks I cannot count
Last week I did 4 hours of overtime drafting emails because they 'had to be done immediately'. I worked till 8pm, I normally finish at 4 pm because I am part time. When I got told the next day I 'could finish early one day the next week' I did! I knocked off at 1pm after working through my proper lunch because I was almost done on my task for the day. Log in today as I only work 4 days and in my email I find my boss saying that she thought my 4hours overtime was me making up for being 20min late for a half day of stuffing envelopes in a different city. This was because of traffic because she wanted me there at the same time every school in the city wanted there pupils in. It want even a half day as promised as she expected an…
As Covid started to ramp up in the halcyon days of 2020 my place of work went to mixed home/office working. Since then my department has had a record breaking year of 2021, churning out more products than the fully on site shop floor can keep up with. This even reached the point that we had to give the shop floor workers a hand for 8 weeks at the end of last year as they couldn't keep up. So our department closed for 8 weeks and we're still ahead. To compound the issue they are supposedly a “green company” this means that whenever “return to office” is mentioned the company ethos and its conflict with having staff drive to work for no reason is raised. Often by me. Now they've taken to lying about productivity and communication. Claiming that we're “dossing about” and “making errors” their evidence for this is…
My boyfriend and I work as a cooks. We get paid on the high end for the industry/position but it's still a struggle. After bills, my boyfriend and I have a pooled $300 a month to provide daily spending/groceries/gas. We don't live extravagantly, we rent an apartment priced normal for our area and don't spend money on anything “luxury.” I think we spend ~$25 a month on some streaming services. My boyfriend has chronic health problems and needs insurance and has some medical debt. I have dental debt and we've racked up credit card debt from living paycheck to paycheck. The insurance premium plus the debt payments alone cost us $850 a month. So I picked up a second cooking job. With me being a full-time student, I could only add on weekend nights. So now, Friday through Sunday I work for 15 hours straight, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.…