
“Class Struggle Unionism” hosted by the Virginia Worker

Join The Virginia Worker for our second event of the year, featuring union organizer and author Joe Burns as he presents on his latest book 'Class Struggle Unionism' Class struggle unionism is the belief that our union struggle exists within a larger struggle between an exploiting billionaire class and the working class which actually produces the goods and services in society. Class struggle unionism looks at the employment transaction as inherently exploitative. While workers create all wealth in society, the outcome of the wage employment transaction is to separate workers from that wealth and create the billionaire class. From that simple proposition flows a powerful and radical form of unionism. Historically, class struggle unionists placed their workplace fights squarely within this larger fight between workers and the owning class. Viewing unionism in this way produces a particular type of unionism which both fights for broader class issues but is also…


Co-Star Working Conditions: AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE


If the people you work for change the term from “raise” to “merit increase” it’s just so they can screw you out of what you deserve while making it appear as though it’s your fault.


The Opera that busts union efforts


I quit yesterday.

I joined the great resignation going on in the USA I turned in my notice yesterday. I already have a new job with a 6 dollar increase in pay. My bosses here are flipping out. They told me “no one wants to work anymore” I told them that they would have to offer better wages to attract good workers. They say hey can't pay more. My boss has a 30 foot deep sea vessel he parks behind our job. He lives in million dollar home. Bu-bye assholes


Employers should be held responsible for employee medical and vehicle expenses for commutes in inclement weather

JS, non essential restaurant and retail workers being required to come to work when schools and other businesses and then getting several months worth of car / medical expenses in the case of an accident for an $80 work day is insane. Any expenses incurred by employees in commute in the event of a car accident or major fall (when the local recommendation is to stay home) should be put on employers. It also crowds already dangerous roads for workers who are essential. Yes, this is Texas and yes, everything is slick outside and I’m concerned about local workers.


Ex employer’s robbed themselves.

I decided to leave my 55hr per week every week job. I handed in my notice and worked for the month. On my last day I was told I could leave early so I did. However I did not fill in a timesheet, instead I emailed them my worked hours. They basically replied saying that because I did not fill in a time sheet they could not pay me for the month. I contacted ACAS (a employees rights organisation in the UK), long story short I had a tribunal with the bosses and received my full wage, interest on the time I didn't receive the money, holiday pay, and a settlement. In all I received around £5,000 approx. Almost £3000 more than if they had just paid me my original pay check. Not only that but I contacted the health and safety executive and informed him of some dodgy practises…


Thank You, r/antiwork.

It’s because of you guys I realized how toxic my last work place was and I quit on the spot with no notice. Obviously, my goal is to not work under this system but I have to be able to afford to live so I found a much better job now. Without you all here to help, I would’ve never realized how short I was selling myself and would’ve never taken a risk like that. I was able to land a $3.50/hr raise, full benefits (half of them no cost to me), generous PTO, sick pay, holiday pay, travel stipend, no weekends, no/minimal overtime, room for growth upwards in company, paid training, catered lunches, free/reimbursed parking, uniforms paid for, birthday bonus giving job. I couldn’t be happier with my current job. If I have to work for now, at least I’m not miserable. Thank you all so much and I…


Increased pay for my employees!

I know it’s not a super big deal since I only started my business 2 years ago, and I only have 2 employees (1 of them being me lol.) But I pay us both $25 an hour now! When I first started my business I was struggling because of the pandemic but I was able to pay myself $20hr, then when business ramped up I budgeted in another hire, I figured I would be able pay them $16hr to start.. but after taking on a few bigger jobs and being in such high demand now, January 1st I decided to charge more, and because of that I’m able to pay us BOTH $25hr! Its been going great! We’re both happy and we honestly work harder! We work 4 days (10 hours) where we get Friday, sat, and Sunday off. And we have plenty of work I lined up for the…


Boss called me a liar, I quit on the spot

A number of years ago but a pretty good story. I was working at a 15-person startup, mostly super-senior engineers that would help clients fix gnarly or network or sysadmin issues for an hourly rate, or set up something overnight that would have taken them weeks. It was pretty cool to work with a variety of clients, not have anyone tell me how to do my job, and be truly appreciated when we could fix a disaster. About one year in, Mike, the boss, decided it was time to “get serious” and have a professionally designed logo / business cards / website. Being a service business putting high-priced consultants in the field, he felt strongly that we should have business cards. I volunteered to help because I had outsourced graphic design at a couple of other startups to do similar things. I went back to some people I used before,…