


Get promoted and gain new responsibilities vs gain responsibilities to get promoted

My impression is it should be the first, but I’m repeatedly being told it’s the second, only for the assumed promise of promotion to be broken and I’m left with a larger work load and nothing to show for it. I’m not sure what to do now, either move to another job and lose all the progress already made, vs stay at the current and just hope it eventually rolls around.


Corporatism is a disease.

A VP where I work was just promoted to Executive VP even though 2 departments they're responsible for have been hemorrhaging cash, clients, and staff for the last 2 years. I am untrustworthy though, because I don't spend off work time doing off work things with the CEO… anyone have any course work for bootlicking?


Who wants to get a national “discuss your wages” day going in the US?


Unfortunately, workers’ rights have no value


Cat made him late for work


This is what happens with a system that is set up by those who benefit


Question about use of PTO

I am a full-time exempt employee where I work in Michigan. I'm trying to figure out what my rights are regarding calling in as a salaried employee. Last week I called in on Monday, worked Tuesday through Thursday, then had Friday scheduled off with PTO. Do I have to use PTO for the call-in on Monday to get my full salary, or can I be docked pay if I don't use it? Thanks so much for any help!


Is it right to take on more work, train for a new position, without any extra compensation for 6 months?

I've been at my job for 12 years. I feel as if I am already under paid and over worked. We have consistently made over double our revenue from last year, and we're up from before the pandemic happened as well. I was approached 2 years ago to take on more and that fell through. I was then approached again last summer. They hired me an assistant so I can have free time to focus on the extra tasks they wanted. I asked at the beginning of this year if that promotion was still on the table, they said yes, I'm starting to train for it, and yet I'm expected to do this for free until our regular review time. I'm not sure how to feel about this. The problem is every single time anyone brings up compensation to my boss he flips out and points out every wrong you…


NFL Superbowl players get paid $150,000 bonus if they win, even if all they do is sit on a bench. Meanwhile, the average teacher salary is between $50,000-60,000. There is something seriously wrong with this country.