
haveing trouble seeing these as a good thing

found out today our local dollar store has replaced all cashiers with self serves. they are no longer hireing cuz they dont need cashiers anymore. alot of the jods in my area are cashier jobs. and these things are a good thing? we just lost a binch of jobs in a market that isnt producing replacment jobs. i was wondering why i wasnt hearing back when i tried to apply.


Why does Amazon constantly overpay staff?

How fucked up are their payroll system?


Fired because We were instructed to do something the wrong way.

I used to work at a job where we apply labels to wires and plug them into connectors. One particular job they said that they were getting a lot of problems with people doing them incorrectly so they were very particular on how the labels were applied. At first the only thing I questioned them on was that for some reason they wanted us to apply one label on each of the cables then go through the work again and apply the other two even though it really didn't make much of a difference. The big problem was that they had us very specifically orientate the labels and a specific way because they were 'twisting' as the labels were applied, order of them being done one then two made no difference. After doing almost 300 of them the leads came back and said that they were done wrong and that…


I want more

So, I was surprised to be honest: I was contacted by a recruiter from a Swiss company on LinkedIn. When asked about the paycheck expectations I said 2 500 – 2 600 bruto, but now that I think about it more, I want to ask for more. Why more? Here are the reasons: they contacted me (even though they knew that I live in the Netherlands), I would have to move several countries away, job is in microbiology field and a quick Google search says that average salary for that field in Switzerland is around 3 000 euros, somewhere I even saw 4 000 euros. It was a fairly quick notice and I didn't have too much time to do some research amd prepare before the phonecall, but they suggested that we will remain in contact and even organise a video meeting. My question is are the reasons stated above…


“Covid related staff shortages” what a joke.


Is there an agency I can report my work to for this?

My workplace is telling people to come in despite being sick. One guy left because they told him to “brace through” his cold and come in anyway. Another co-worker told me he told them he had a fever of 103 and they still told him they needed him to come in. Obviously this is not okay. Can I report this to someone?


Need Advice — Getting a friend, their Manager friend, and the staff on-board for unionization.

Not doing this anonymously as I feel like that wastes a bit of time and tones down the issue at-hand. A friend of mine in the North (US) is working at a notable pizza-chain, likely the best-performing one in the state (and proven), but them / their manager have been trying to push around the idea of unionization or collective -forced- bargaining for a while — with little to no pushback from staff, or seemingly public support. This friend and manager have constantly had time off pulled away from them, not seeing a day off in likely several weeks — And the effect is definitely noticeable. They're being paid like shit, treated like shit, and worked to the bone — With little in the way of recompense, or a means to hire new staff to help others rest. I want to help this place change — and for the better.…


Am I (24f) being gaslit by my coworker (28f)??? Help me :(

Okay this is kind of long but this is my dilemma. I used to manage a small boutique and we have very limited staffing so I wasn’t always able to finish certain tasks when I had to be on the floor. It was holiday season so things get kind of crazy especially in a retail setting. I don’t have much experience and I had only been working there for a month, but when my boss offered me the position of assistant manager I was ecstatic and accepted immediately thinking that it would be the perfect opportunity to grow professionally (since I do not have a degree I’m really starting from the ground up). An important piece of the story is that I have had a very rigid experience with anxiety, depression and ptsd so at times I would be very anxious about getting my tasks done. I also have had…


My Union Job is a Cult

So my clickbait title is a bit of an exaggeration but I need to vent and I need some feedback. I started a new Union job about 8 months ago as an industrial mechanic. It started out as a very good job and I thought I had it made. I got a new wage that was better than anything I've ever made and everybody thanked me for my work and treated me with respect. Now I am starting to see the problems. The “for lifers” in the plant all seem to think that they are the only ones worth a wage, and often like to gang up and put down those who are new and from other places. And whats even worse to me is what is often said behind these peoples backs. I have found out recently that they talk about me as well and It makes me feel…


State-owned company with absolutely clueless HR department

I work for an EU state-owned company. I have chosen to work for this company because COVID hit the former industry I was involved with pretty hard. I absolutely love what the company stands for and has to offer. Securing a new job during these unprecedented times was really important to me. Upon applying I didn’t necessarily ask for a bigger wage than what I was earning back then because the work-life balance and the extras provided made up for it. I figured I would just work hard to earn any raise I would be asking in the future. Fast forward to one year later : my evaluation was the best I have ever gotten, I am meeting or exceeding all expectations and have also successfully taken over some extra responsibilities (which I am happy about in order to further develop my skills and help build my case). When I…