
Question for people who know about unemployment and retaliation…

I called out of work yesterday to take my girlfriend to a psychologist and get help with suicidal thoughts. The night before I took a shower and I got out to find her staring down the barrel of my handgun. I can't describe how this sight has fucked me up but my therapy has to wait I've got bills to pay… Anyway I talked her down and promised we'd get her help, which she's feeling much better now with these tools to help her. Anyway I have a text message from my boss telling me that she can't promise there won't be consequences for calling out yesterday. Is that grounds for unemployment through retaliation…. I just want to stay with her and help her through this. Any knowledge on this would be greatly appreciated.


r/antiwork for noobs


Is this even realistic?


Part 2 – I know something you don’t

Part 2 of what happened in my last post: So I left you guys for a bit, wondering if I should talk to my manager about what's bothering me. I was able to schedule a meeting with them. I told them I: 1. Felt disrespected by the way they keep rescheduling my meetings (about things that are important to me). 2. Knew I was underpaid in comparison with my coworkers. 3. Knew they had given my coworker a raise at a time they told me they didn't do raises (because company policy). They were taken aback. They lied they didn't know the salaries of my coworkers (i call bullshit) and that the raise of a coworker was a 'special circumstance' one. They tried to pry where I got that information from. They tried to please me by saying how much they like my work and work ethic. They told…


Pay to shop, now pay to park at work.


Questions to ask interviewer

I'm looking for jobs atm and I'm wondering what questions I should ask during a potential interview.


Capitalism does suck, but we need to stop alienating people on that premise.

Capitalism leads to exploitation of the working class and this sub stands against that exploitation. Therefore, it would reasonably follow that this sub is anti-capitalism. That’s all fine and dandy, but there is a very loud minority of ideologues here that will accuse anyone that doesn’t hold their exact views of supporting capitalism/neoliberalism. One of the worst examples I continuously see is hostility towards people that support socdem or democratic socialist policies but not a violent overthrow of the US government. People that support free healthcare, tuition free public college, high minimum wage, a wealth tax, universal unions, paid parental leave, and green energy investments. This is very much the Bernie Sanders slate of pro-worker policies. And yet if you support these a loud group of anarcho communists will attack you for supporting and saving capitalism because measures that help the workers “make capitalism more palatable” or some shit like…


Infuriating. Found this on r/mapporn


I’m convinced to start to fight against this bullshit system

I’m not an English scholar – I was always good at maths and bad at English at school. But I have read these dystopian books where a big government or corporation or whatever controls society. I’ve been reading posts on antiwork for a while, and I’m almost excited to start to rebel against the system. I’m in Europe, so it’s not the same as you guys in the US, but – I still strongly feel that there shouldn’t be people driving new range rovers around when others have to choose between heating and eating. So I mean – I’m starting small by telling someone applying for a job where I work my salary, so they know what to start with when negotiating, but I’ll try and do more.


Unsurprisingly, some Subway and Burger King franchises in South Carolina violated child labor laws by letting minors work late shifts or too many hours

Who could have seen this coming? /s SOURCE: