
Should I email the manager about pay?

Hi everyone quick question, If you currently have a job, and you already put out your résumé looking for a new one, and the manager of the office that you applied to emailed you asking about an interview time, should you ask for the pay and job description upfront? Or go to the interview and then ask? I’m not sure because I would have to make up a lie or takeoff the whole day pretending to be sick at my current job to go to the job interview, and I don’t wanna waste my time if she’s going to give me a low offer than what I’m currently making. So should I email the manager asking for the salary range? Or is that unprofessional?


Am i wrong for thinking this way

So long story short. Im currently going through a divorce. I took a weekend off from work to go out of town and was scheduled to work overnight sunday for monday. I cut my trip early to make it back in time to get some rest and showed up as scheduled. On the drive down i felt like i was getting sick and when i went to work i knee i was sick. Incould hear it in my voice i was cold but stuck it out for about 5 hours and ended up leaving early. I went to the dr that day and they told me to take 2 days off. I called my manager to notify him and he told me to rest up. Well the next day i get a call from my ex and daughter , they were arguing before she dropped them off at school and…


What an arrogant jerk. At least other recruiters are mocking him.


I’ve reached the end of my rope with my employer

I have been hanging on by a thread with this company for the past month. I've been working there for 6 months. I'm late sometimes but I always do what “needs” done. This morning I got a text that told me my uncle had cancer. I kind of shut down. I was more able to communicate about 40 minutes after my shift started. I let my boss know and he called me telling me I'd be fired if I did not come in. I don't know what to do anymore.


Is there a way to “sign” a contract in an unenforceable way?

You typically are asked to sign binding agreements in the first few days; if you use an alternate signature that is obviously not your own (and that is so early in your employment that no one catches you on it), could they still enforce it?



So basically, im fxking fed up! I keep getting rejected! I hate this? Why do companies waste ur god damn time! I cant wait to give them some piece of my mind. Honestly i hate this shit


Boss wants me to take voice lessons so people can “hear me better”

I have a naturally high voice and it came up in my evaluation that people had a hard time understanding me on the phone. My boss said that I should take voice lessons to have a lower register. So basically I’m good at my job but my voice is a problem? On top of bills and an admin’s salary I’m supposed to invest in vocal training??


Interviewer told me i was demanding alot from the job with the job skills i had

It was 2 years back but i was applying to a all natural grocery store chain. All i asked was i work Monday through Friday if i can and she acted like i was so entitled. Im seeing more people share interview stories and that by far is a better look inside turn over and how people are treated. I encourage more of these experiences being shared


Forced My Boss’s Hand. Will Probably be Fired First Chance

TL;DR: I forced my boss to give me a raise then a bonus and now I'm pretty sure he's looking to fire me. I work for Two Men and a Truck as a lead customer service rep. I was getting ready to have a baby last year and asked for a raise to keep up with my rent increase so I could focus on the baby. My boss argued against it, but eventually we negotiated a new deal that wasn't as much as I wanted but it was enough. But one of the things he said stuck with me. He told me “We are not responsible for what happens outside of your work” I used to work here because I liked it until he took over as my boss. The whole “we're a family” cliche was actually true here. But to him we are expendable assets. I decided that if…


Always take your lunch break

I've been working in IT with my current employer for a few months. I adore almost everything about my job and can't complain much, however I noticed how everyone else is miserable all the time. My partner works nearby and we have lunch together, because of the winter weather we decided to stop having lunch together until it's nice to be outside again. Since then I've been doing my lunch in the office Break room always alone, nobody else uses the room except for heating their food and going back to the desk. I was working on someone's computer and I asked when do they take lunch so I can continue without interrupting their work and they answered “I never take lunch, I eat on my desk”. I heard the same from other people and I've seen others go out to buy food and then eat while looking at a…