
CBC: Why some businesses are paying staff a living wage, not just the minimum

The story is here: But, just maybe as a business owner, and employer, it's also your job to make sure that you're employees are being taken care of??? Or is that far too radical of an idea? ​ I wish my company paid a living wage, I'm in pseudo-management, for a Canadian radio broadcasting (for one of the big boys here) I do interviews for people on my team, I handle scheduling, I make sure I have bodies in place. My company won't pay remotely close to what it should be paying. Since I'm pseudo-management, and I don't offer the pay, the best I can do for those on my team, is being extremely flexible with them. Making sure I can take care of their time off as they need it, and giving them the opportunities that come up. But ask for more money, you get a target drawn…

The story is here:

But, just maybe as a business owner, and employer, it's also your job to make sure that you're employees are being taken care of??? Or is that far too radical of an idea?

I wish my company paid a living wage, I'm in pseudo-management, for a Canadian radio broadcasting (for one of the big boys here) I do interviews for people on my team, I handle scheduling, I make sure I have bodies in place. My company won't pay remotely close to what it should be paying. Since I'm pseudo-management, and I don't offer the pay, the best I can do for those on my team, is being extremely flexible with them. Making sure I can take care of their time off as they need it, and giving them the opportunities that come up. But ask for more money, you get a target drawn right on your back

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