
CEO claims there is no recession and this inflation is good

Had a large meeting with all departments. I'm part of one of the three tech teams and had the most availability, so I went as our representative to take the notes to distribute to my two team members. We had general meeting stuff and I was just thinking about the plethora of tasks and projects I had to do, including investigating a breached piece of hardware we had quarantined and recovered from a WFH employee watching too many *movies* while on our domain, but then we get to the interesting stuff. The CEO and other board members going on a rant about how there will be no recession and the company will prosper during it because that's what they do during those times, which to be fair, when I looked into records from the 1980's and around 2008, that is pretty true. But they kept going on and on about…

Had a large meeting with all departments. I'm part of one of the three tech teams and had the most availability, so I went as our representative to take the notes to distribute to my two team members. We had general meeting stuff and I was just thinking about the plethora of tasks and projects I had to do, including investigating a breached piece of hardware we had quarantined and recovered from a WFH employee watching too many *movies* while on our domain, but then we get to the interesting stuff. The CEO and other board members going on a rant about how there will be no recession and the company will prosper during it because that's what they do during those times, which to be fair, when I looked into records from the 1980's and around 2008, that is pretty true. But they kept going on and on about how this is so good for the economy and consumer spending is so high and something about mortgage rates and shit. Really reminded me of the nonsense people spewed in the '08 recession.

It was so cringey because it was like they were just trying to convince themselves of this when everyone else is feeling the economic impact because we do not make executive pay. Worst part is they did that when I have to take the bus to work now and have an hour and a half commute because I cannot even put gas in my car anymore or even buy decent food when our stores finally have something on the shelves. And I'm not the only one. There's not much tech opportunity in my area and I am just trying to get enough experience and certifications to move with my fiancee to a better region for my field and the companies with tech related openings have boomer mentalities about us and think we just push buttons and pay us shit salaries. Other lower level guys in the other team that focus on helpdesk have it even worse than I do. We're the only department who works the full day and instead of goofing off with our mates when slow, we are opening our textbooks and studying. There's a small handful of us tucked away into the corner of the building and people think we are antisocial because we are constantly doing these things. Doesn't help that none of them could do a single thing without our help, while constantly disrespecting us, and we bust our ass and get shit pay.

All the while some overpaid exec who's parents started the company talks down to us about how no one will feel the economic impact of the recession and inflation. That's not even the worse cause I have to work a second job on the weekends and donate plasma on the side just to make it by and I live extremely frugally. Keep trying to tell myself to push through and it'll get better once I qualify for a nice info sec job or finish developing a program I've been working on, but its difficult lately. So burnt out and idk, that meeting just pushed me more for some reason.

Thanks for reading the rants of just another over stressed tech guy

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