
CEO hired a “Christ-focused” financial consultant instead of raising salaries.

About a year ago my old boss (I’ve since moved on) hired a financial consultant because we’re we’re complaining about not being able to afford the cost of living adjustments. He was a Dave Ramsey certified financial consultant. Was going to come in once a week for a financial session. His philosophy was to be frugal and to also give away at least 10-15% to the church and you will be rewarded plentifully through Christ. (CEO was a bible thumper that liked to pick and choose the Christian teaching he wanted to follow) We forced him to sit down and go over our budgets and demonstrate how we can save and donate only making 30k a year in the city with the largest inflation in the country. I have to give him credit he tried his best and was honestly a nice guy but he failed. He did not finish…

About a year ago my old boss (I’ve since moved on) hired a financial consultant because we’re we’re complaining about not being able to afford the cost of living adjustments. He was a Dave Ramsey certified financial consultant. Was going to come in once a week for a financial session.

His philosophy was to be frugal and to also give away at least 10-15% to the church and you will be rewarded plentifully through Christ. (CEO was a bible thumper that liked to pick and choose the Christian teaching he wanted to follow)

We forced him to sit down and go over our budgets and demonstrate how we can save and donate only making 30k a year in the city with the largest inflation in the country.

I have to give him credit he tried his best and was honestly a nice guy but he failed. He did not finish the full 8 week sessions lol

Also the CEO couldn’t be bothered to read the consultants marketing paperwork. He forwarded it to all of us and it clearly said his services were “to help alleviate employees requesting raises”

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