
Cesspool of Office Politics

I saw this in an article [below] bemoaning the fact that big businesses can't get people back into to office. No..the problem with offices ARE the people. “Businesses are “trapped in a vicious cycle”, says Gartner research director Alexia Cambon. “The majority of organisations I speak to are trying to market the office as a place for collaboration, community and connection. When you tell your employees that the unique value proposition of the office is other people, but go into the office and no one is there, you’re setting them up for disappointment.”

I saw this in an article [below] bemoaning the fact that big businesses can't get people back into to office.

No..the problem with offices ARE the people.

“Businesses are “trapped in a vicious cycle”, says Gartner research director Alexia Cambon. “The majority of organisations I speak to are trying to market the office as a place for collaboration, community and connection. When you tell your employees that the unique value proposition of the office is other people, but go into the office and no one is there, you’re setting them up for disappointment.”

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