
Change in pay status?

My “new” job (started 1 month ago) has just notified me that instead of an hourly wage they will be paying a “per customer” wage. Initially, I was told I would be paid by the hour but now they say I will be paid per appointment. Some appointments get cancelled or rescheduled and I will be paid half the rate for those. I am required to be available for the entire time I have scheduled with them so I can not have other jobs to do during that time. I just found this out today and I am devastated as it will make a big difference in pay and therefore my ability to keep my (modest) home. What to do?

My “new” job (started 1 month ago) has just notified me that instead of an hourly wage they will be paying a “per customer” wage. Initially, I was told I would be paid by the hour but now they say I will be paid per appointment. Some appointments get cancelled or rescheduled and I will be paid half the rate for those. I am required to be available for the entire time I have scheduled with them so I can not have other jobs to do during that time. I just found this out today and I am devastated as it will make a big difference in pay and therefore my ability to keep my (modest) home. What to do?

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