
Change my mind: Bezos, Musk, and anyone with a billion dollars or more is evil.

Aside from Amazon being one of the worst places to work, the fact that Amazon and Tesla literally steal their employees' wages, and billionaires purchase politicians on the regular, anyone with more than $1 Billion is evil. Money becomes functionally useless to keep track of after a certain point. What is the difference to Bezos or Musk if they have $5 billion or $10 billion? Nothing but aid to the poor or military posturing costs that much. The fact that these men KEEP this money and strive to AVOID taxes while people literally starve, die from lack of access to healthcare, or don't have a place to live – makes those billionaires the most evil people I can think of.

Aside from Amazon being one of the worst places to work, the fact that Amazon and Tesla literally steal their employees' wages, and billionaires purchase politicians on the regular, anyone with more than $1 Billion is evil. Money becomes functionally useless to keep track of after a certain point. What is the difference to Bezos or Musk if they have $5 billion or $10 billion? Nothing but aid to the poor or military posturing costs that much. The fact that these men KEEP this money and strive to AVOID taxes while people literally starve, die from lack of access to healthcare, or don't have a place to live – makes those billionaires the most evil people I can think of.

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