
Change your shoes before you get to the office!

Got on the subway and saw an interaction between an office worker and a man who soon transpired to be his boss. The boss initially sat down and then saw the office worker, moved to go and sit opposite him, tapped him on the shoulder to make him take his headphones out and then barked at him, “change your shoes before you get to the office!” There was no hello, no how are you, nothing at all. The office worker was wearing sneakers and a formal suit, and then pointed to the dress shoes he had in a bag sat next to him before putting his headphones back in. My blood was boiling. NO. At that point in time, the boss is absolutely no one to him and has zero authority to tell him what to do in a public space. Until the office worker gets to the office he…

Got on the subway and saw an interaction between an office worker and a man who soon transpired to be his boss. The boss initially sat down and then saw the office worker, moved to go and sit opposite him, tapped him on the shoulder to make him take his headphones out and then barked at him, “change your shoes before you get to the office!”

There was no hello, no how are you, nothing at all.

The office worker was wearing sneakers and a formal suit, and then pointed to the dress shoes he had in a bag sat next to him before putting his headphones back in.

My blood was boiling.


At that point in time, the boss is absolutely no one to him and has zero authority to tell him what to do in a public space.

Until the office worker gets to the office he does not work for you and is just a normal person going about his business, so the boss need to minds his own f****** business.

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