
Changing Management and Staff Turnover

Is it normal or generally accepted that when a business changes management that some staff will leave? I started a new job cooking for an senior care facility three weeks ago, right around the same time a new Executive Director was taking over. She's worked in this facility a long time, starting in housekeeping and working her way up to BIG BOSS. Her management style, from what I've seen so far, is very focused on promoting a good work/life balance while providing the best care for our residents. She seems alright, but being in the kitchen all day I really don't deal with her very much. Over the 3 weeks I've been here though, a lot of staff have left for one reason or another. Is this a red flag? Or just a common occurrence when a business changes management? Am I just overly anxious about my new position? I…

Is it normal or generally accepted that when a business changes management that some staff will leave?

I started a new job cooking for an senior care facility three weeks ago, right around the same time a new Executive Director was taking over. She's worked in this facility a long time, starting in housekeeping and working her way up to BIG BOSS. Her management style, from what I've seen so far, is very focused on promoting a good work/life balance while providing the best care for our residents. She seems alright, but being in the kitchen all day I really don't deal with her very much.

Over the 3 weeks I've been here though, a lot of staff have left for one reason or another. Is this a red flag? Or just a common occurrence when a business changes management? Am I just overly anxious about my new position?

I like this job. The hours, pay, and workload are much better than my last job, and all my coworkers have been really friendly and accommodating. I don't want to leave, but if worst comes to worst I can, and easily! I don't want to be stuck if it turns out to be a shit show.

Any advice welcome!

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